Title: they were jumping from towers Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Claire/Sawyer Rating: PG-13 Summary: The tune's gone bad. For lost_in_108's prompt Song.
Title: through hell and high tide Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Juliet/Samuel Rating: PG-13 Summary: He never bleeds. For lost_in_108's prompt, Kiss.
Title: down on your brazen knees Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Nikki/Esau Rating: PG-13 Summary: She is the Medusa. For lost_in_108's prompt Devise.
Title: know your demons Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Juliet/Esau Rating: R for language and adult situations. Summary: The dust finally settles. For lost_in_108's prompt, Shadow.
Title: ain't the place for violin strings Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Ilana/Frank Rating: PG-13 Summary: He can't fly her off this rock. New crack ship? I think so. For lost_in_108 's prompt, Nightmare.
Title: we bury our secrets in the garden Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Lennon Rating: PG-13 Summary: A job's a job. For lost_in_108's prompt Cave.
Title: heavy hearts burying words Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Cindy/Lennon, brief Cindy/Nathan. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Drowning's not an option. Remix of pressed the shells into our bones. For lost_in_108.
Title: locked behind the years Author: cloudytea Characters/Parings: Kate/Ben Rating: PG Summary: She awakes with the sun. For lost_in_108's prompt Lie.
Title: ruby lips above the water Author: cloudytea Characters: Clementine Phillips, James Ford. Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: None. Summary: She figures he's just making up for lost time. For lost_in_108's prompt Wish.